woensdag 6 maart 2013

konnichiwa minasan!

Sorry that I didn't post anything yesterday but I didn't do anything interesting yesterday.

The seven eleven store where we go every morning/midday to get some breakfast/brunch

Yesterday Ernolt and Joao looked at an appartement and I tagged along. It was difficult to get to the appointment because it wasn't near our place we are currently staying.
We had to changes lines 3 times and at one station we had to walk to another station :O   And ofcourse we got lost :( We walked the wrong way.  eventually an old lady helped us out and showed us the way to the station. I did snapped some pictures of the scenery because that was beautiful. It was very quiet and peaceful. 

After our appointment we decided to go see Sophia University and walk around the neighbourhood.  
Sophia University is close by Shinjuku so we walked around a bit and suddenly we recognized a part we walked the previous day :) 
We also found the same restaurant were we ate sunday.  So we decided to eat there again because we were hungry. this time I had curry. I liked it but it was a bit too spicy for me :(
Sophia University!!!  :D

Curry rice:D 

We walked a bit around Shinjuku again and found another temple

After that we went home quite early because we were pretty tired. I was awake around six already :0  So I was tired afterwards. We did went to the convience store and I bought a fried chicken and an onigiri :D  
Both are very delicious! 

Afterwards I browsed the internet and played a bit of Tera. Afterwards I went to bed. 

Day 5

We decided to go to Harajuku. But first we slept in till 12.30 again XD So we were around 15.30 in Harajuku. First we went to the Jingu bridge which is known for all the people walking around dressed up. But no one was there XD So we walked into the Yoyogi park which is very big and has a shrine in it. So we visited the shrine.

 Afterwards we walked around Harajuku street which was very fun to do. We saw all sorts of people walk around and it was very colourful. And there were a lot of people :O  It was also the place where I saw the most foreigns walking around :)   I didn't take pictures there because my camera was confiscated by Joao who made a nice film.

Afterwards we met up with an classmate who already was in Japan. Together we ate something. Unfortunately I again forgot to take a picture of my food :(  I did make a picture of the food from my friend. He had taco rice :0   I ate hamburger rice. It was very tasteful :)

 My empty plate XD
 My dessert <3
And that's it for today folks!

Bye bye, zwaai zwaai

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